Disc Personality Testing Free vs. Paid

disc personality testing free versus paid options from Disc Marketplace

If I can find disc personality testing free, then why would I ever pay for it?

The difference between disc personality testing free versus a paid options depends a lot on what you’re trying to achieve.  Maybe you’ve just stumbled across what a disc test is and are thinking, ‘yeah I’d be interested in taking a personality test just for fun’, then the free option probably is your best bet.  You may even be interested in reading ‘Disc Personality Types – Which ‘Survivor’ contestant do you relate to‘.  If you’re more interested finding out about What Is A Disc Test and how it can you help you become a better leader in your career click on the link to learn more about the history of disc testing and the different human behavior types.  

If you are an organization or a leader in an organization looking to improve workplace culture, paid disc testing options are going to give you the best ROI for your time and money.  The insights learned from a professional disc test will far exceed any free offering.  

Why would I pay for disc testing?

Most disc profile assessments are based off of the same core principles developed by William Moulton Marston.  The real difference between the disc personality testing free options and the paid options are:

  • Research behind the personalized results you receive (Everything DiSC® participants receive a personalized, easy to understand, 20 page report detailing not only their personality types, but that of the other human behavior quadrants (D,I,S,C) plus additional information that increases their ability to make real behavioral changes)
  • Adaptive questioning techniques to remove social bias
  • Specialized disc assessment types
  • Additional tools which allow you to compare your results with others within your business team.

The paid disc personality testing options, such as these from Everything DiSC®, are more geared towards business teams and are broken down by specific business team objectives and goals.

Specific types of disc assessments

Team of business people at a meeting with their disc profiles listed above themPerhaps you’re a leader in your organization and are looking to make a connection between your disc style and leadership ability.  The Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders is custom tailored to providing you insight that you can use to help you understand your leadership style and how to overcome tendencies that influence your effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

Maybe you are a human resource manager looking for ways to improve workplace culture.  The Everything DiSC® Workplace and Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict are great options for creating self-awareness for team members and others, creating strategies for successful team member interactions and more. 

Lastly, Everything DiSC® Management teaches managers to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people.  Real organizational change not only happens at the business team level, but also requires management and business leaders as well.

Additional Resources That Support Real Team Cultural Changes

Once an organization deploys Everything DiSC® assessments, any assessed person can compare their report to another assessed individual, which is extremely helpful and powerful to understanding your communication differences and similarities.  Access to the MyEverythingDiSC.com portal also gives participants access to additional instructional videos, articles and podcasts.


If you just have a passing interest in disc personality tests, then finding a disc personality testing free option would be best.  However, if you’re in a business organization that wants a tool and resources to make real cultural change such as moving from a waterfall organization to that of an agile organization, you will want to use a paid option.  Using the Everything DiSC® personality tests are simply superior to other paid disc testing options due to their 60+ years of continued research, quality, and adaptation to make the results relevant to all participants.  

If you or your business organization are interested in disc personality tests, check out our Shop page or read more about how we use Everything DiSC® for our agile business coaching services.

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About DISC Marketplace

As an authorized partner with Everything DiSC® – A Wiley Brand, we tailor our approach to your needs. We can provide full-service support, working with you to design a strategy and plan for organizational growth, leadership development and building high-performing teams, or we can provide light-weight support, simply connecting you to the Everything DiSC® products that you need to run things on your own, available as needed to ensure successful results.

Read more About Us and find out how DISC Marketplace (provided by Conduo) is used in our agile coaching services.

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